At this time, TCS is not accepting admissions inquiries for Infants through Pre-K 2 students. Inquiries for students who are 3 or 4 years old by 9/1/2023 may be submitted.

Parents are  invited to review The Cathedral School’s polices

Our school is dedicated to providing consistent, quality education and care to all children and staff by maintaining a sanitary, healthy environment. We strive to maintain wellness throughout The Cathedral School through the prevention of airborne viruses and the spread of communicable diseases and illnesses by:

  • Providing sanitary wipes and spray
  • Sanitizing toys and surfaces daily
  • Contacting parents early for sick child pick-up
  • Isolating contagious child in business office with a self-contained air handler
  • Sending home staff members showing symptoms
  • Installing ultraviolet bulbs on the major air handling system

The Cathedral School expects parents to respond in a timely manner to the school’s concerns and reports, and to follow the Well Child Policy guidelines regarding their child’s departure from and return to the school. As parents, we understand that you also expect the facility will be properly cleaned and for the staff to use “best health practices” to prevent the spread of illnesses.

If a child has a fever of 100 degrees or lower, a call will be placed to the parent(s). However, if the temperature of a child is in excess of 100 degrees, the parent(s) will be notified of the need to come pick the child up from school. The temperature will be determined by sanitary thermometers kept in the front office of the school. The child will be checked if a temperature is thought to have occurred and monitored thereafter for improvement.

If a child is congested with a head cold (i.e., clear mucus, no fever), we will administer medicine as outlined below to maintain the child’s comfort. However, if the child appears to have an infection (i.e., green mucus) or is having respiratory problems, the parent(s) will be notified of the need to come pick the child up from school for medical attention.

If a child has a very loose bowel movement, we will call the parent(s). After the second occurrence of diarrhea, the parent(s) will be notified to come pick the child up from school. Children are most contagious early in these episodes and we appreciate parents’ urgent and timely response.

If a child is vomiting, the parent(s) will be called immediately come pick the child up from school.

If a child appears to be excessively fussy and are lethargic (i.e., loss of energy and enthusiasm, abnormal behaviors or interactions), we will call the parent(s) to notify them of our concern. If the child continues to be abnormally uncomfortable and lethargic based on the staff’s judgment of the child’s well-being, the parent(s) will be notified of the need to come pick the child up from school.

Fever-related illnesses

Students should not be sent to school with a fever. A child should be “fever free” for 24 hours, without medication, before returning to school. If a child contracts a contagious disease, the parent should notify the school immediately so information related to the illness may be communicated to other parents. A child’s name will not be disclosed in any communication regarding contagious disease.

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)

RSV is a common virus responsible for mild symptoms of the common cold in older children and adults. In infants and young children, RSV infection may cause only mild cold symptoms; however, it may produce serious lower respiratory tract infections, particularly pneumonia (lung infection) and bronchiolitis (infection of the smaller airways).

It is easily spread by physical contact. Touching, kissing and shaking hands with an infected person can spread RSV. It is also spread by sneezing or coughing and can live up to 6 hours on countertops and for several hours on used tissues. RSV often spreads very quickly in crowded households and preschool centers. Nearly all babies are exposed to RSV by age 2.


Conjunctivitis, commonly known as pinkeye, is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, the clear membrane that covers the white part of the eye and lines the inner surface of the eyelids. It is a fairly common condition and usually causes no danger to the eye or your child’s vision. The inflammation can have many causes, the most common of which are infectious, and irritant.

Infectious conjunctivitis is usually caused by either bacteria or viruses. All types of infectious conjunctivitis are contagious and can spread from one eye to the other by touching the eyes. The incubation time for bacterial conjunctivitis is a few days. In viral cases, it can be up to one week.

Return Policy

A child may return to school when he/she is symptom-free, medicated for twenty-four (24) hours with antibiotics, or with a medical doctor’s authorization. In an effort to provide flexibility to our working parents, we request and assume that all parents will do what is in the best interest of the child. Please keep the school’s administration appraised of your child’s improving health.

Dispersal of Medications

All medications should be left at the front desk with a Medical Release Form filled out directing the staff of the medicine type, amount to dispense, times needed, and other pertinent information. All prescription medications must be in the original container with the doctor’s prescription label affixed. Following the Department of Children and Families’ (DCF) policy, we are unable to dispense over-the-counter medications to children under the age of two without a doctor’s daily instructions.

Regular attendance is an important part of the educational experience. The school hours are 7:30am – 6:00pm. During school drop-off and pick-up hours, parents are encouraged to exchange only brief greetings with the teaching staff. Please honor that the teachers have the responsibility of supervising our students at all times and that conversations with teachers need to remain minimal.

It is requested that parents make attendance a priority for their child. Parents are responsible for notifying the office two (2) days in advance of known absentees and by 9:00 a.m., in the event of an illness. If the child’s absence is caused by illness, we ask that you follow the procedures outlined in our Wellness Policy found in a following section of this handbook.

Tardiness should also be minimized as it disrupts the learning experience of every child.

Students are expected to be in place by 8:45 a.m. to allow readiness for circle time and resources. Teachers may post a sign on their classroom door once circle time / instructional time begins. In this event, the child should be brought to the front office and will be escorted to the classroom by a staff member once instructional time is over. Scheduled appointments resulting in late arrivals must be reported to the office by the close of the previous day.


Parents must sign in their child immediately upon arrival. We ask that you sign in your student (noting the time also) via the Sign In/Out Sheets located on the school’s front counter. This helps maintain consistency throughout the school day, and provides a quick reference of children to be accounted for, in the case of an emergency. Any unusual markings, behavior or health conditions should also be reported to the office staff and the child’s teacher at arrival time.


Children may be picked up anytime during the day by an authorized person (as designated on the student profile under “Emergency Contact/Pick-Up” section). Parents anticipating a shortened day or early pick-up should notify the office of the shortened day, at the time of arrival to school. It is requested that the same procedure be followed when a student will be leaving the school facility temporarily and returning during the same school day. In order to reduce disruption to your student’s day, if at all possible, we ask that early pick-ups be either before or after their scheduled nap times.

All parents are required to come into the school to sign out their child before any student may be released. A parent may call the school as they near the facility so the child can be ready for pick-up when the parent arrives. As a courtesy only, the school staff will make every effort to ready the child for the parent’s arrival.

Intermittently, a parent may need to remain briefly inside the facility. If there is a particular issue (e.g., medicine to be taken home, accident/incident report to be signed, financial statement presented, personal letter, etc.) that needs to be addressed with the parent at the time of drop-off or pick-up, the signature line by your child’s name will be highlighted.

If someone other than individuals originally identified as authorized for pick-up will be picking up your child, a Student Profile Update Form must be completed, signed and dated and provided to the school IN PERSON prior to the change. No requests can be accepted over the phone, email or fax. School staff also reserves the right to request a photo identification of the person picking up the student to maintain in the student’s file for future reference.

All children have the ability to behave with respect and consideration to the adults in their lives as well as to their fellow classmates. Older children should come to the classroom prepared to behave in a manner conducive to a fun learning experience. Children should respect the teachers at the school and listen, cooperate and treat their classmates in a loving manner.

If there are any behavioral problems with a child, the situation will first be handled in a loving manner by the classroom teacher. We discipline with firmness, but without anger. (Anger only teaches a child fear; a child cannot learn in a state of fear.) Additional issues with the same child will involve the Head of School and administrative staff and will be handled on an individual basis. Self-control requires motivation and practice. The staff at The Cathedral School is dedicated to providing the environment in which to master self-control. Self-control also enhances a child’s overall self-esteem.

Knowing that the educational process is a joint effort between parents and teachers, parents are asked to communicate to the school any challenges at home that might impact the child’s behavior at School. Discipline is a cooperative effort.

The following is a list of procedures which is followed at TCS for each child:

  • Positive reinforcements, interactions and interventions. Our staff is trained to use positive reinforcement, guidance and redirection in their classroom as we recognize the process of teaching children how to behave appropriately.
  • A child’s ego is built and self-esteem strengthened through praise and reward.
  • The individual child will be directed, redirected and talked to about the challenge, giving consideration to “the total child” and their individual developmental level.
  • Using the child’s name first, teachers will request a specific behavior, and then proceed with redirection; redirection will precede interventions.
  • Interventions, to include a “quest time,” will follow redirection when necessary.
  • We encourage behavior that respects the rights of the individual child, the group, and the adult.
  • Child behavior will be observed and recorded.
  • Parents will be consulted with on a regular basis through an open channel of communication.
  • Intervention plans, if needed, will involve the parents and Education Team.
  • Consistency on the part of all parties is the key!

Our discipline in the classroom or playground may include isolation for an individual or the group for a limited amount of time, preventing contact with other children. Children may be asked to sit while others play or be excluded from special activities.

In the event of repeated or unusual negative behavior patterns, the Head of School will confer with parents to ensure a continuity of consequences and reinforcements. Most discipline problems will be handled by the classroom teacher. Excessive disciplinary actions will be handled by the Head of School. Children who are given reasonable choices and options are encouraged to strive for independence. Through positive discipline based on consistency, love and acceptance of the individual, our children become confident students who make positive choices.

It is imperative that we maintain the proper documentation, as required by law, on each child. All children registered at Saint John’s Cathedral School and Early Learning Center (The Cathedral School) must have their original, current shot record Form DH680 and yellow heath Form DH3040 from their pediatrician or family practitioner in their student file at all times.

By law, no child who is without current copies of these forms on file may remain enrolled beyond thirty (30) days after enrollment date. Please remember that as infants and toddlers obtain their shots throughout the year, we must receive updated forms.

Admissions Inquiries

Learn more about our school, tuition requirements and wait list for enrollment.


Tuition for the weeks of January 20th and 27th, 2025, is due on Wednesday, January 15th. Tuition will be processed through the Brightwheel app.

The next quarterly supply fee of $60 will be due on Wednesday, March 12.